It is said that if you collect all three parts, you will complete the legendary Air Ride machine...

There it is! Dragoon Part A!
It’s broken into three parts:
Dragoon Part A, the nosecone...
Dragoon Part B, the hull...
and Dragoon Part C, the tail.

Gather all three and the Dragoon is formed!

Target in sight!

Of course, given the amount of preparation required, it boasts tremendous firepower! If it strikes you, consider it a one-hit KO.
The battle for this item is hot.

When you get Dragoon parts, these icons appear!
Hit an opponent who has one of the Dragoon parts to make him drop it like a fumble. You also drop the parts when you lose a life. If you want to get a part in hand, then beat on your opponent!
The same can be said for Smash Balls—those, too, are items that everyone really wants badly, so the scramble can be quite funny!
The joy of finally getting all three. Your enemies doing whatever they can to flee. It’s like we’ve added a delicious new spice, so I hope you’ll enjoy it during multiplayer matches.