<Standard Special Move: Nayru’s Love>
Some sort of crystal forms on Zelda’s sides and revolves around her, shielding her body. It won’t last as long in the air as it does on the ground, so be careful.
The crystal is like a deflector shield. Projectile weapons will bounce off it.

Use it quick and watch it work!
<Side Special Move: Din’s Fire>
A short burst of flame... Uh, but it’s not too powerful...

See, you can’t just use Din’s Fire like that.
First, you have to hold the special-move button and store up flame energy. Next, you have to remember to aim the flame by tilting up and down. Once you’ve stored up enough energy, Din’s Fire is unrivaled!

If you use it right, you can hit opponents even at this range!
If you’re the target of this special move, you can learn the timing of the explosion pretty easily. Get in the air and perform a midair dodge (use the shield button while in the air) to try to dodge the attack.
<Up Special Move: Farore’s Wind>
This special move can be used for evasion and to get back to solid ground. You’ll fly in the direction you tilt the Control Stick at the moment Zelda disappears.

Now tilt the Control Stick in the direction you want to go.
You can go to the side, up or down. It moves you quite a long way, and may be quicker than running. I think you’ll be using this move a lot in The Subspace Emissary.

Whoa! You might not always make it to a safe landing, so be careful!