The scale of this stage is one of the grandest in the Smash Bros series. The scale is, say, about the same as that Temple stage - you know the one I’m talking about?
It’s New Pork City.
It is a city of chaos.

It’s too detailed to fully understand...

The buildings are like...billboards?
At any rate, it’s big, so if all someone does is run away, there will be no end to it. But with so much freedom, it becomes a giant playground.

There’s quite a lot of freedom.
Also, a monster known as the "Ultimate Chimera" appears on this stage.

Th-there it is!
If this guy sinks his teeth into you, it will launch you off in one blow. It’s pretty much certain that if you get hit, you’ll lose a life. But there’s nothing you can do. I mean, it IS the Ultimate Chimera.

I’m no match for hiiiiiiiiiiiim...